We propose a PaaS solution, based on Oracle XE database edition, which is free with some limitations.
Most of the Oracle RDBMS features can be used, without licences and administrative costs.
You get your dedicated system and database, and then can setup your application, and connect it through a VPN.
The Oracle Application Express framework can be installed on this database, for a completely free solution.
The additionnal tasks can be provided through an additionnal “pool service” package, monthly invoiced based on actual usage.
Requests and alerts are managed through a ticketing system, including billing reporting.
This offer is completely customizable: contact us for any request.
Based on OVH Comfort VPS offer:
- physical location in EU, Canada, Australia or Singapour
- 160 Gb SSD storage
- 8 Gb memory
- 4 vCPUs
- 1 Gbits bandwitdh, IPv4 / IPv6
- CentOS operating system
- OpenVPN connectivity
Included services
- Database monitoring and availability
- Backups and restore:
- – RPO: 1 hour maximum
- – RTO: best effort
- – Retention: max possible based on sizing
Additional services
Using the “pool service” offer:
- DBAs tasks, like specific jobs, monitoring, …
- Tuning, architecture advices
- any other relevant operations
Oracle XE limitations
Based on Oracle official policies : https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/21/dblic/Licensing-Information.html
As of August, 2023: Oracle Database Express 21c:
- 12 GB of user data
- 2GB of memory
- 2 CPU threads
- 252 pluggable databases (for example: PROD, TEST, DEV, ….)