
YellowIT.eu is an IT consulting company, providing high-level services worldwide, operating from Grand Duché of Luxembourg since October 2016.

We are specialized on the IT infrastructure layer, and we bring links between business, C level, and IT peoples.

Some of our expertize domains:

  • Global IT assessments
  • Business processes and optimization
  • Middlewares: Oracle Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Tomcat, JBoss
  • Oracle databases: Real Application Cluster, Data Guard, Database Vault
  • Microsoft SQL Server databases: Always-On, CDC
  • Open Source databases: MariaDB, PostgreSQL
  • ETL systems: BODS, Talend
  • IT Infrastructure: storage, SAN / NAS
  • Operating Systems, virtualization, containers
  • Backup, High Availability and Disaster Recovery procedures
  • Performance audit and tuning, troubleshooting
  • Licences usage check and optimization
  • Oracle XE as a service hosting and management (see our offers)